Our date difference calculator can help you calculate the time passed from any two dates. This can be fun and educational if you have ever wondered how many days you have walked this earth, or if you want to know how many days ago a certain event happened. Our calculator can successfully calculate any A.D. date; it even takes “leap years” into consideration.
This can also be a useful tool to keep track of personal milestones. If you quit smoking on January 1, 2000 then you can check to see it has been since you last lit up a cigarette. Simply enter the first date of January 1, 2000 in the first form field and today’s date in the “second date” field. Our date difference calculator will quickly and accurately tell you how many days you have been smoke free.
This can also be handy for keeping up with long term goals. By finding out how many days until a project is due, you can easily assign yourself tasks each day to keep you on track. You can also refer back to the site to count down the days to an exciting vacation or special day in your life!