Our common factor calculator will find common factors, sometimes called divisors, for any two integers. Factors can be defined as any number that can divide an integer with nothing left over. An integer is simply any whole number that is not zero.
You can find all of the factors of any whole number by figuring all of the numbers that you can divide the number by and have nothing left over. When trying to find the common factors of two numbers you would simply find the divisors of both numbers, and those that are the same in each set are the common factors of both numbers.
For example, the factors of the number 12 would include: 1,2,3,4,6,12. All of those numbers will divide the number 12 evenly. Factors for the number 8 would include: 1,2,4,8. To find the common factors of the two numbers we would look at the numbers that are in both groups to figure the common factors of 8 and 12 are 1,2, and 4.
To use the common factor calculator simply enter any two integers in the boxes below. Click “calculate” and the calculator will do the computations for you. Coming up with divisors for most numbers is not extremely difficult, but it is easy to miss a number here and there. Use this to check yourself and make sure you did not leave any of the divisors out.