Our random number generator will randomly select a number for you between the two determined limits you select. Random number generators (RNG) are useful in many areas where the outcome desired is completely random and not influenced by any human factor. Without computer generated random numbers it is extremely difficult to provide a completely unbiased result.
Random number generators are used in a variety of fields. Where mechanical methods were used in the past, random number generators are becoming much more efficient and unbiased. They have replaced traditional drawing methods for many state lotteries and are widely used to predict slot machine odds. The numbers generated are based on a completely unpredictable source so a pattern cannot be discerned.
To use our random number generator, simply select the upper and lower limit for the range of numbers you are using. You can also select how many results you want the generator to produce and whether you need those results to be unique, meaning none of the results will be the same. Using this generator will allow you to remain unbiased if you are running a contest or game where a number needs to be chosen at random.